返回列表 第八届亚洲风能大会暨国际风能设备展会--WPA2011
2011-01-01 13:10:38
WPA2011于2011年6月22日至24日在北京国家会议中心展开,我们SSB同LS、Network Power以及PTS一同参加了此次展会。三天的展会中,有不少新老客户莅临展台,此次展会我们供收集到包括整机厂、供应商在内的有效信息155条,并已发送给相关部门。公司各部门也派出了同事参观展会并收集信息,市场销售部门的技术支持工程师谢晟实和尹志远积极给对我们的展品感兴趣的客户介绍展品的相关信息。
Wp2011 held in China National Convention Center (CNCC) from 22nd to 24th June 2011.We SSB joined this exhibition with LS,ENPC and PTS. Some potential and old customers came to our booth, we’ve sent the collected 155 effective information include customers and suppliers’ to relevant departments, our colleagues also attended and collect relevant information. Our technical support engineer Derek and Annan introduced our products to our booth visitors.